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About Our Remy Virgin Indian Hair

The Body Wave Virgin Indian Remy Hair is our most popular hair because of its versatility to wear it wavy or in bone straight styles. The Body Wave texture has a natural and elegant bounce that exhibits volume and robustness. World Hair Extensions highly recommends the Body Wave texture if you would like to achieve a straight or wavy hybrid.

As it is made of 100% Remy human hair, it can be cut, colored, straighten, and curled. Everything that you do with your own hair can be done with these extensions. Just air dry naturally, use a wide tooth comb and scrunch.

Our Virgin Indian Hair is the highest quality of hair you can get in the world. Virgin Indian Hair is raw and in its natural state, which means it has never been processed or chemically altered. Our Virgin Indian hair comes on an either a hand-tied weft, which is thin and light-weight or a machine weft, which is easier to work with. The hair comes in natural 1B color and in a range of textures; straight, body wave, curly, kinky curly and deep wave. All Virgin Indian hair can be professionally colored.

Virgin Indian Remy hair is widely considered to be the highest quality of human hair used for extensions and weaves. The term “Remy” is used exclusively for hair which has maintained the outer cuticle layer, a key component of strong and healthy hair extensions. True Remy hair has the cuticle layer of the hair flowing in the same downward direction, the way it would occur naturally before the hair is cut. The cuticle layer is critically important when it comes to hair tangling, longevity, volume, and how luminously the hair shines. Click here to learn more about the science of healthy hair.


Special Orders

 Special order are 22 inch lengths and longer they will take up to two weeks to receive.

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