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Why is your blonde hair extensions and natural hair changing colors?

Every hair type and color has its pros and cons, but blonde hair seems to be struggling to keep its own color. It’s not uncommon to see blond Remy hair turn orange, green or even pink. The suspect? Mineral deposits, meaning buildups of non-organic, natural solids (i.e. iron or copper) on the hair shaft and the scalp. The proteins in the hair react chemically with those deposits, which is why your virgin hair extensions (and your natural hair) turn brittle and dull, often discolored.

Why is blonde hair so prone to such discolorations?

The color saturation (pigmentation) in blonde hair is less than in darker hair. This means that it can easily stain from outside substances. Blonde hair is also lighter, which makes any changes in the hair (even subtle) to be significantly more visible than in brown or black hair.

Where are those minerals?

Everywhere from the water in the nearby pool to the water making it into your shower nozzle. Although the composition and intensity of the mineral can vary by region, there is no doubt that you will experience some sort of reaction after being exposed to minerals for long. The most damaging mineral is oxidized copper and is responsible for turning blonde hair and hair extensions green. As for iron, it is a well water mineral and will turn your blonde hair orange, brassy or pink.

How to I prevent buildup?

First and foremost, address your water. For example, you can use a water filter for your shower or wash your hair with only cold water. That is because cold water will maintain the cuticles closed, preventing minerals from getting in. Or you could wash your hair with distilled water.

After that, and before you expose your Remy human hair to water rich in minerals, focus on the porosity of the hair. So, you can apply a leave-in conditioner before you shower or swim at the swimming pool to pre-saturate the hair. Avoiding heat styling tools will also help and the same goes for applying hot-oil treatments if you want to provide your locks more long-term moisture saturation.

How to correct discoloration

Remove mineral deposits by using a clarifying shampoo. However, since it can leave the hair too dry, it’s best to give some extra moisture with a conditioner applied afterwards.

Then, correct the color with a pigmented shampoo. Make sure you use the right one, though, depending on the types of mineral buildups your Remy hair extensions have experienced. For example, if your extensions have turned copper or orange, a silver pigmented shampoo or conditioner will work fine. If they have turned pink or peach, use a gold one. Finally, if they are green, a copper or red pigmented conditioner or shampoo is the best.

Correct the color of your virgin Remy hair extensions by using hair color, always keeping your color wheel in mind! Again, depending on the discoloration of your hair, pick a suitable tone. For example, if the extensions have copper or orange hues, use an ash tone. For pink and peach, choose a gold one while a copper or red tone is ideal for green colored extensions.

If you want to use a home remedy, be very careful. Whatever you do should be meticulously tested. Otherwise, it may cause severe issues. So, always test any treatment on a small section of the hair. If you see no adverse reaction to it, use it on the entire head.

Your Indian Remy hair is a great investment that you can make sure you will have for long with proper care. If they feel and look dry, you can easily rejuvenate them in 3 easy steps. But, before you go there, do you know what type of hair extension best suit you? Feel free to browse the blog to find lots of gems not so well hidden and waiting to shine for you!

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