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The Worst Products to Use on Your Extentions

Usually weaves are pretty versatile when it comes to hair products, but there are some products that are considered more hassle than you would want. When making an investment in hair extensions you want to pick products that help with making the hair last not kill it before you even get a month out of it. Here are some products that should not be used or should be used in moderation while wearing your extensions.

Abrasive Shampoos: washing your hair is a significant crucial part of maintaining your weave style and caring for your extensions. However what you use to wash your hair is of utmost importance as you can actually cause more damage to the hair while thinking you are caring for it. It is not recommended that you use a dandruff shampoo or any other abrasive shampoo that can destroy the bonds of the hair extension and raise the cuticle causing dryness.

Conditioners: Conditioners are a huge part of weave hair care; however it is important that you do not apply the conditioner to the bonds of the hair as this will weaken them when applied too close. Condition the hair as much as you want just be careful with placement.

Water: I know, I know, this sounds a little ridiculous but keeping your hair wet for long periods can actually cause more tangles than you would want to deal with. Going to bed with wet hair is definitely the worst thing you can do unless you want to wake up to a matted mess in the morning. Use water effectively by cleansing the hair with it and detangling but once you are finished with your normal routine allow the hair to dry so that it is protected from tangles.

Aerosol Sprays: Sprays can be very drying to the hair, and after investing so much money and time into your hair the last thing you want to do is dry it out daily by spraying the life out of it. If you have a good weave using sprays and products that aid with ‘luster’ is almost unnecessary. The hair when properly cared for does this all by itself.

Too much oil: oh for all that is Holy! do not use a ton of oil and grease on your hair to help slick it down, back, reduce frizz or any other of the common reasons women state they need oil for. It is normal for you to use a little oil on the hair as it does not get the natural oils of your scalp because it is not attached to your scalp. Be very sparing with the use of oil as you can potentially weigh the hair down and you will end up looking more like a grease monkey than the beautiful girl you are.

Gels that contain Alcohol: Gels are great when you want to maintain fly always or neaten up your hair line, however gels especially the ones containing alcohol are extremely drying to the hair and should be avoided at all costs. For the same reason as not using sprays you don’t want to damage your investment by using products that are not helpful in prolonging the life of a weave.

What products have you used on your extensions that were an absolute no no and you would never purchase again?


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