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How to Store and Care for your Hair Extensions In Between Use

Half open drawer a good place to store hair extensionsHuman hair extensions are built to be used over and over again once removed. The hair is strong and versatile and can remain beautiful if cared for and stored properly between installations.

Here are the steps that you should take for caring for and storing your human hair extensions when taking a break from them.

  1. Thoroughly wash and condition the hair – storing the extensions in a clean state is crucial and is the first step to storage. Shampooing the hair carefully will ensure that all the dirt and grit is removed from just general use and environmental exposure. You can opt to wash the hair thoroughly while on your head or you can remove them first so that it is easier for you to see just what state the hair is in. Often product can get stuck at the base of the weft and it will take careful examination to ensure that all of the buildup is removed. Washing the hair only makes storing easier as you will ensure that there is no bacteria or germs that develop from excess product left in the hair.
  2. Dry and Detangle the hair– Ensure that the hair is completely dry and detangled before storage. If the hair is even a little wet, it could be a haven for mildew and a not so great smell after just a short time of storage. In addition to keeping the hair dry and detangled, you want to make sure that the hair remains true to form. When the hair is in the form that it was when your first bought it, it helps it to remain shiny strong and healthy. To completely dry the hair, you can hang the wefts on a rod or hanger for air drying. Alternatively you can use a blow dryer ensuring that the hair dries in the shape that it was in the first time you wore it.
  3. Storage Options – Find a cool dry place to store your freshly shampooed and conditioned hair. The place you decide to use should be away from sunlight as the rays of the sun can fade the locks often turning them yellow and weak. Ensure that your container is large enough to hold the hair in its shape and lay as flat straight and neat as possible. One great storage option is a large tuber ware container that can be found at any hardware or storage store. Another option is in your closet on a hanger! Storing them in the closet or drawer can be a viable option as long as the hair is not disturbed and your closet remains dry. Whatever option you choose, the most important thing is to allow the hair to have great circulation so that it does not adopt the smell of whatever it is stored in or surrounded by.

If you follow these steps you will have fresh extensions ready for reuse at whatever time you decide. Do you reuse your extensions and if so where do you store them?

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