Salma Hayek is well known for her beautiful long thick and wavy hair. Many women admire her hair and many of them go through great lengths to look for hair extensions which resemble hers. If you’re one of these ladies who want to achieve the long, shimmering locks like Salma Hayek, then you should follow these guidelines to help you to obtain this look.
One of most important features you need to first look for when purchasing hair similar to that of Salma Hayek is the color. Rich dark black or very dark brown locks are the colors Hayek is known for. And although you can alter the color to suit your preference, you also need to know that not everyone looks good having hair this color. So, ultimately it all depends on your skin tone and your eye color.
A great tip is to test different hair samples against your skin. Many beauty and hair shops allow you to try on hair. You can also hold up hair samples against your skin to see what suits you. And if you choose to shop for your hair online, many e-commerce hair sites offer sample orders to help you make your decision.
If you plan to go to a salon to purchase your hair and get your hair extensions installed, don’t forget to bring pictures of the hair color you’re striving for. Your stylist also will be able to work with you and your preferred color choices to find the best color suited for your skin tone. Even if it’s slightly different than what you have chosen in your picture, be open to your stylist’s recommendations as she/he is well versed in skin tone and hair color selection.
Also, never feel shy to ask friends or acquaintances what they think. Better yet, if you have a friend who is wearing hair extensions in a color you like, why not ask them who did their hair and where they bought it. If you’re using human hair extensions which I highly recommend, you can ask your colorist to tweak the color so that it can be right for you. Choosing your extensions with your colorist will make it easier for you to come out looking your best.
Go for the best quality human hair that is less likely to wear out quickly. Human hair also gives you the versatility to use heat styling products so it’s a great choice. Local hair shops and online stores have a variety much similar to Salma Hayek’s style hair that you can choose from. Your best option is to choose the long and wavy extensions.
So, are you ready to achieve the hair of Salma Hayek? You can do so by following these easy steps:
If you have installed your extensions and purchased the long wavy Indian remy human hair extensions or something similar, there is little work to do. Simply finger-comb the hair and then use a comb to grab the curls and make them swirl in the direction you like. Make sure you have a picture of Salma Hayek with you wearing your desired style as this will help you to style your hair the same way.
If on the other hand you already are wearing long straight hair extensions, it’s recommended that you first wash and condition your hair. Either air dry it or use a blow-dryer if you have time constraints. Then use a large barreled curling iron and start grabbing small sections of hair preferably two inches by one inch sections. Then, clamp the curling iron on your hair and slowly twirl the iron around your hair making sure to create the curls going away from your face. Doing this will ensure your curls flow back rather than forward.
Continue doing this with the rest of your loose hair. After you are done doing this to your whole head, apply a hair spray and shine serum to hold the style in place and to make sure your hair shines. If you would rather not use heat on your hair to preserve the life of your human hair extensions, using large rollers is also an option.
Just make sure you have the time to do it as this method takes a bit longer. If you choose to use these rollers, you’ll then need to comb your hair using your fingers and then applying a shiny hair serum to help balance your curls and add shine. Once you’ve done that, simply separate your curls with your fingers.
Gold Well Diamond gloss is one product which can be used to make your hair look shiny and healthy. It’s available both online and at local hair shops. Flat irons like Sephora Pink and HIS are some of the best quality irons that can be used to give you a Salma Hayek style!
There are also a variety of clips on the market that can be used with long hair extensions. They should be easy to use and affordable at any time. Using clips on your Salma Hayek extension will make you look even more beautiful by adding an accent of color and style!