Simple Culprits That Cause Build-up On Hair Extensions - World Hair Extensions
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Simple Culprits That Cause Build-up On Hair Extensions

March 26, 2012

Hair cosmetics collageIt doesn’t matter what technique or method you use to put in your extensions whether it be sewing, glue, braiding or clip-ins the fact is all hair extensions get dirty at some point due to build-up. Hair extensions, much like our regular hair are subject to dirt and grime caused from environmental factors, lifestyle just and our own styling practices.

Over time build-up can lead to less than stellar looking hair extensions and can cause damage if left untreated (not to mention the relentless itching). Here are some of the culprits that cause excessive build-up to hair extensions.

Styling Products

Have you ever heard the saying ‘less is more’? Well too much styling product can lead to the exact opposite of that. One of the main causes of excess build-up on hair extensions is excessive use of styling products on the hair to obtain the desired style. The use of conditioning products and some stylers can be great for the luster of the hair and actually helps keep the hair healthy.

However much like your natural hair it is encouraged that you reset the hair extensions to zero, meaning wash and thoroughly cleanse the hair of all conditioning serum to avoid that filmy product upon product effect. Once the hair is clean again you can begin the conditioning cycle until it is time to rewash again. Washing the hair every week or every two weeks should be enough to reduce the effects of styling build-up.


We all do it and after a grueling workout excessive sweating in the hair can be bad news. It is one of the top culprits for build-up, especially at the roots of the hair.  While working up a great sweat is works wonders for your heart, the sweat attracts dirt and the build-up is centered on the root of the hair. It is best to remove extensions if possible (clipins) from your hair when you are doing anything that would cause sweating or simply shampoo the hair after. If you are wearing a sew in then shampoo too.


This is an interesting one because we generally do not spray our hair with perfume however if you do use perfume or cologne it is very easy for the product to get into your hair though you don’t purposefully spray your hair with perfume, it’s easy to expose your extensions or braids to it. Spraying perfume every day can lead to build-up on hair extensions if exposed to it on a daily basis.

The application of the perfume is also important because if you tend to spray on the back of your neck, the hair in that area becomes especially prone to build-up.  Perfumes all have oils and chemicals that have a tendency to attract dirt dust and debris. One great tip for spraying perfume is to try to keep your hair up and out of the way as you spray, once the perfume dries then you can let your hair down, literally!

Can you think of any other things that cause build-up on your hair extensions?


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