How to Wash Your Hair While in a Sew-In-Weave - World Hair Extensions
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How to Wash Your Hair While in a Sew-In-Weave

May 18, 2017

Woman drying her hair extensions with hair dryerMaintaining clean hair, while wearing a weave is not a difficult task. If you know the various tricks and routines that work to keep your hair looking neat and tidy after a wash, it’s fairly easy to do.

It is extremely important to cleanse your hair and scalp properly when wearing extensions in order to keep bacteria and fungus at bay. Properly washing your hair also ensures that your weave does not tangle, while also assisting in maintaining proper hair growth.

If you’re currently wearing a sew-in-weave or plan to do so in the near future, here are some tips you can use to wash it:

  • Use a shampoo specifically made for sew in weaves. These shampoos help to keep detangling to a minimum, while also maintaining your hair’s natural moisture balance. A good choice is Mane & Tail Shampoo and Conditioner.
  • Olive oil is a perfect hair moisturizer that mimics your hairs natural oil secretion. Put a small amount of olive oil into a tiny container and dab your fingers in it. Then apply the olive oil along each scalp part on your head. Also, grab a cotton Q-Tip and also dip it in your olive oil solution and then apply it on the scalp – under each braid or track that lies beneath your sew- in-weave. It is critical that you moisturize your scalp to ensure that it is getting the right moisture balance.
  • Once you have oiled your scalp both along each scalp line and between each braid/track of your sew-in-weave, rub some olive oil on your hands and apply it to each braid. This will help to ensure your hair does not dry out. Olive oil is a true natural moisturizer that works wonders on the hair!
  • Next, run your head under warm water fully saturating your hair. Apply a small amount of shampoo to a small bottle mixed with water. Shake the bottle so that the shampoo mixture is evenly diluted. Slowly pour your shampoo mixture along each track. Massage your scalp and track gently using the tips of your fingers. Avoid using your nails as this will damage your scalp.
  • Add more of the diluted shampoo mixture to the top of the sew-in-weave and work your way down. Gently use the palms of your hands and fingers to reach, wash under your sew-in by running your hands and fingers from the roots of your hair to the tips of your sew-in-weave. This helps to move any dirt away from the scalp, so that it can easily be removed and washed out. As you’re washing, use webbed-fingers to pull the shampoo through the hair. This helps to detangle while carefully cleansing the hair.
  • Once you’ve finished washing your hair, apply your conditioner. Again, apply it by using a diluted solution of conditioner and water. This dilution helps to avoid buildup on your cornrows. Have this solution sit on your hair for at least 3 minutes, then rinse your hair with warm water. Follow this rinse with a cold water rinse. Use your fingers rake them through your extension hair – again to decrease tangles. Note that this cold water works wonders at closing the cuticles which imparts a great shine on the hair.
  • Once done, towel dry your hair using a micro fiber towel. These towels are better than cotton towels because they get rid of excess water quickly and easily! But not only that, they reduce frizz and help to maintain curls. So, if your sew-in-weave is curly or wavy, the micro fiber towel will help your hair look that much better! The magic to using it is you have to bend your head down and use the micro fiber towel to scrunch your hair using the palms of your hands to help absorb the water. These towels are also great because they keep the moisture in your hair and keep lint at bay, unlike cotton towels. Make sure not to rub your hair as it will cause tangles!
  • Next simply air dry your hair or use a warm setting on your dryer to speed up the process.
  • And your last step is to style your hair in your favorite style!

Remember, proper care and maintenance of your sew-in-weave should be your ultimate goal. By following these tips and understanding what tools and products should and shouldn’t be used on certain hair types, you’ll ensure that your sew-in-weave looks well cared for and nobody will even know that it’s not your real hair!


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