How to Take Care of Your Remy Hair Extensions - World Hair Extensions
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How to Take Care of Your Remy Hair Extensions

August 28, 2017

image 1So you got your dream Virgin Indian Remy hair and you are all excited to show them around! Everybody is mesmerized by your beautiful locks with the impressive volume and fantastic shades! But, what happens when it’s time to wash our hair? Do you use the same shampoo as before? What can you do to keep their shine and fab looks for as long as possible?

These are some of the key questions that will get answered today!

What Shampoo Is Best For Virgin Hair Extensions?

Anything that doesn’t contain Sulfate because it dries out hair and strips the scalp (and hair) of essential oils. As a result, hair follicles get damaged, which leads to hair loss and breakage. Don’t wonder if you also notice that your hair seems to have lost its life and shine.

The best shampoo to use when you are wearing hair extensions is anything natural or organic (of course, sulfate free). However, know that sulfate comes in many different types so it’s best to check product labels and read the ingredients for anything that contains the words “Sulfate” (i.e. Amonium Laureth Sulfate), “Sulfer”, “TEA”, “sulfonate”, or “Sufide”.

Indian hair extensions can keep on to their luscious appearance in you use the right organic shampoos and conditioners that provide the necessary nutrients. Also use oils, such as Coconut, Almond (super moisturizers) or Argan (great for frizz and styling) oils that moisturize and give hair the food they need to continue to work its magic on you!

Here are some more products and tools that can also help protect your precous investment!

The Golden Rules to Care for Virgin Remy Hair Extensions

  • Always brush your hair before you washing and going to bed to make sure it’s not tangled due to friction or wind.
  • Never brush your hair extension when wet. This will damage hair follicles.
  • Use Sulfate-free shampoos to prevent your scalp and hair from getting dried out.
  • Wash your hair only with warm water. Too hot water can damage the cuticles, hair extensions, and scalp.
  • Make sure you only wash a couple of time and rinse between each wash carefully.
  • Always wash the hair extensions in a downward motion and never bunch it together. Scrubbing is also out of the question because this will make the cuticles to open and rub against each other. This will cause friction and with friction comes damage and breakage of hair.
  • Apply a couple of drops of natural oils (as mentioned above) over wet hair to add moisture to your virgin Indian hair extensions. Ensure you apply evenly. Natural oils are much preferred than most commercial products (i.e. conditioners) that contain silicones and added chemicals.
  • Rinse your hair with cold water to close the cuticles and lock the nutrients and moisture that will keep your hair from becoming oily. Just be sure you don’t rinse your scalp; just the hair extensions.
  • It’s best to allow your hair to air-dry without the use of heat. This will help your strands be rich and not swollen and dry.

Now that you know the basics, you may want to take it to the next level! Here is how to reate a stunning fish-tale braid with your gorgeous extensions!

Or you may want to have a read of mastering the art of ombre, the right way to change your hair color or how to restore the shine and beauty of dry hair extensions!


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