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How to Change Up Your Hair Color The Right Way

December 14, 2015

How do you make the right choice in hair color with so many options?  If you follow a few 10905252_1simple guidelines you will have the blueprint for choosing the right shade in any occasion.  Whether you are feeling adventurous, or you simply want to go a shade lighter, these simple principles will guide you through your color selection.  Consider carefully the following three factors when your choosing a new hair color:


Determine if you have a warm or cool skin tone.  You can do this by holding out your arm under natural light .  Observe your veins.  If your veins look green you have warm tones in your skin.  If your veins appear blue you have cooler toned skin.  The next aspect to consider is your skin shade.  Most experts say you should avoid going lighter than you skin shade because it appears to be fake.  However, it depends on the look you are going for.  If you don’t care if you hair color looks artificial this is not a make it or break it factor.  If you have a pink flushed skin tone avoid shades of golden blonde or warm reddish colors.  Stick to colors that neutralize your skin tone such as ash tones and cooler tones.  Darker skin tones are flattered by vibrant striking colors and warm shades.  Softer shades tend to wash you out.  If you have pale you have a wide range of color options.  However, avoid jet blacks because they will make you look even paler.  The same with white and silvers.  Once you have determined if you have a warm or cool skin tone and you have taken into consideration your skin shade, the next factor you should contemplate is your eye color.


Hair Color Selection How to Guide-1.pdf - Adobe ReaderIf you have brown, green or hazel eyes, hair color with warm tones (ex. auburn, red or gold) will bring out the warm undertones in your eyes beautifully.  If you have blue, grey, or blueish green eyes hair colors like ash, and cool blondes are great choices.  Dark browns and blacks with cooler tones are stunning as well.  After you have taken note of your eye color in retrospect to your skin tone, pay close attention and respect to the level of maintenance for the color you have chosen.


It’s easy to point a finger into a magazine and say, “I want that color!” with out giving a second thought to how much maintenance and upkeep a particular shade requires.  Before you grab that box of platinum blonde permanent dye there’s a few things you should consider.  Each shade of hair color requires a different level of maintenance.  You should also consider the impact/damage the color you have chosen will have on your hair.  If you are not a natural blonde, blonde hair dye requires regular maintenance and can be very pricey to maintain.  Frequent root touch ups and toning products are necessary to maintain the optimal finished look.  Also, be sure your hair is healthy before going blonde because bleach is a very strong chemical and can severely damage your hair.  Your should seek a professional beautician to dye it if you can.

If you are thinking about dying your hair black, make sure you are absolutely set on this idea.  Black is the hardest color to reverse and ti’s almost impossible to return your hair to the original color without damaging it.  Brown hair dye is very low maintenance and you can easily dye your hair this color with over the counter products successfully.  Brown hair dye comes in a gamut of vibrant shades and reflects well in light.  It minimizes breakage and is an excellent choice for already damaged hair.

Silver or white hair dyes ae a daring choice and are exceptionally stunning on dark skin.Hair Color Selection How to Guide.pdf - Adobe Reader  Keep in mind  that this style is very demanding and require’s harsh dye and regular touch ups.  Unnatural colors (ex. blues, pinks, greens, and purples) require the most amount of maintenance.  You may need to bleach your hair before dying it the desired color.  This process is extremely damaging.  Your hair will need to be well cared for with several products to keep it protected and moisturized.  seeking a professional beautician in this case would be best if possible.  Another choice is to purchase high quality weave hair and have it dyed and sown in by a professional.  This way you can have the fabulous color you want without damaging your real hair.  Pure Virgin Indian Remy hair is a good quality choice.  No matter what color you choose, as long as you keep in mind some essential guidelines, you’re in the clear.  Take into consideration what level of maintenance you are willing to commit to your eye color and your skin tone.   Also, keeping within two shades of your original hair color ensures you’ll always look fabulous.  And if you’re dead set on an edgy stylish color, obeying the rules for choosing the right warm or cool tones will steer you in the right direction every time.

Article By: Carmia Dumay



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