A Few Products And Tools That Help To Protect Your Hair Extention Investment - World Hair Extensions
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A Few Products And Tools That Help To Protect Your Hair Extention Investment

July 1, 2020

beautiful girl with long extensions and bangGetting hair extensions can be a great and sometimes expensive investment. Due to this fact, preserving the quality of your hair becomes of utmost importance and nurturing your hair as if it were your own hair will ensure longevity. Here are some of the tools and products that are commonly used to help with keeping your investment alive, literally!

  • Combs and Brushes – It is important that when using any tool on your hair extensions that you are gentle with the use of them. The quality of the tool as well as your technique should be considered when you are trying to maintain your hair. The combs you pick should be wide spaced and the brushes should have soft bristles to prevent tangles and split ends. A great technique for anyone with extensions would be to detangle the hair prior to washing the hair so that you can eliminate and tangles before getting the hair wet. Brushing the hair with a soft bristle brush doesn’t mean brushing just anywhere, try to practice brushing from the ends of the hair and moving slowly up towards the roots. This removes tangles and prevents damage.
  • Shampoos/Conditioners – This is a no brainer, the hair must be cleaned in order maintain its appearance and health. Shampoos are effective in cleaning the hair but some of them can be very effective at stripping the hair as well. It is recommended that you pick shampoos that are mild or sulfate free so that you can clean the hair but at the same time maintain the moisture levels of the hair keeping it healthy. Conditioners should be moisturizing as well, so got for the products that specifically state ‘moisturizing’. Don’t hesitate to look at the ingredients on your products to ensure that the ingredients are in fact moisturizing and not just a mask. For example conditioners that contain just silicones and nothing truly moisturizing might not be a great choice if you are looking for deep penetrating moisture. There are light moisturizers you can use in between washes that are great for keeping moisture in the hair and keeping it healthy too.
  • Styling Products – A huge part of your product and tool arsenal will be styling products. Gels, hair sprays, styling mousses and heat protectant are just a few that you will find yourself using from time to time. Choosing the best quality stylers is just as important as any other product you will use. For example, when using ceramic heating irons and blow dryers it is important that the heat protectant is used to shield the hair from the direct heat of the tools. Additionally harsh alcohols and chemicals should be avoided to keep the hair looking great. If you are not sure about what the best products are for your extensions, ask your stylist! A Professional will be able to make the best recommendations for you in order to help you protect your investment.

What are some the best products and styling tools you have in your collection that you cannot live without?


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