How to Style Your Leave Out to Match Your Kinky Curly Weave - World Hair Extensions
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How to Style Your Leave Out to Match Your Kinky Curly Weave

How to Style Your Leave Out to Match Your Kinky Curly Weave

February 26, 2023

Long Kinky Curly Weave

Want a new look? A kinky curly weave may just be what you’re looking for. It’s a great way to add a new dimension to your hairstyle!

When deciding to wear a kinky curly weave, you have the option of either hiding all of your hair under the weave extensions, or leaving some of your hair out along the hairline.

Many women choose to wear some of their hair out (about an inch worth) along the front, sides and back area, in order to have the option of pulling their hair back. By allowing some your natural hair to be left out, this hides the fact that you’re wearing hair extensions as well as giving you more styling options. It’s not every day that you’ll want to take the time to style your hair weave, so having the option of pulling it back adds even more versatility. But, when doing so, you’ll need to ensure that your natural hair texture matches that of your weave extension hair. This will allow for a more natural looking hairstyle.

If you do decide to invest in a kinky curly weave, here are some helpful tips to achieve a style that will turn heads!

1. Leave about an inch or two of hair out along the perimeter of your head. Before braiding your hair and before putting in the weave, make sure that you use a comb to part the hair horizontally along the hairline. If you want more styling option do the same along the sides and back of your head.

2. Comb the hair to ensure there are no tangles. Then add a bit of olive oil or your favorite styling gel and twist your natural hair using the cornrow method of styling. This will ensure that the hair you want to leave out is away from the rest of the hair that will be braided in with your weave extension.

3. Spritz your hairline with a bit of water. This will ensure that you get a more defined twist-out once you unravel your hair.

4. Then, continue to braid the rest of your hair and add your kinky curly hair extensions. Once you’ve completed your kinky curly weave installation and once you’ve finished styling your weave the way you would like, now it’s time to match your natural hair with your weave.

5. Once your hairline is completely dry, carefully unravel it. Unravel it to mimic the texture of your kinky curly weave so that it blends well and does not look like a total mis-match. It’ your choice whether you will unravel it so that it’s very defined, or if you want a more kinky or frizzy look, pull apart more of your twists  and try to finger comb it through to blend it with your kinky curly weave. This will allow your natural hair and the kinky weave to match better for a more natural look.

Regardless of whether you are wearing your hair in its naturally curly state or whether you have a chemical relaxer on your hair, this look works with either hair texture. It’s all in how you match your hair with the hair of your weave. The more your twist-out is pulled apart and the more you pull apart each hair strand, the kinkier your style will look. As long as you concentrate on blending your hair with your weave, the more natural of a style you’ll achieve and the less likely it will be for people to detect that you’re even wearing a weave.

One important tip: If you are living in a humid environment, it’s recommended that you use a styling gel or hair serum with a spritz of hairspray to ensure that your natural hair in the twist-out holds well. After all, as the day progresses, you’ll want to avoid a mis-match of your natural hair texture with that of your weave. So, this tip alone could save you from having a bad hair day!


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